0.5 points for every 10 Yards of passing. Minimum of 20 yards passing before point are earned.
Rushing and Receiving
0.5 points for every 5 Yards of rushing or receiving. Negative yards register as 0 points. Minimum of 10 yards of combined rushing and receiving yards before points can be earned.
Defensive Player
Interception: 3.0 Forced Fumble: 1.5
Sack: 3.0 Sack Assist: 1.0
Tackles: 1.5 Tackle Assist: 1.0
Touchdown Passing
1-9 Yards: 1.0
10-14 Yards: 1.5
15-19 Yards: 2.0
20-24 Yards: 2.5
25-29 Yards: 3.0
30-34 Yards: 3.5
35-39 Yards: 4.0
40-44 Yards: 4.5
45-49 Yards: 5.0
50+ Yards: 6.0
TD Rushing/Receiving/Fumble, INT, Kick or Punt Return
0-4 Yards: 2.5
5-9 Yards: 3.0
10-14 Yards: 3.5
15-19 Yards: 4.0
20-24 Yards: 4.5
25-29 Yards: 5.0
30-34 Yards: 5.5
35-39 Yards: 6.0
40-44 Yards: 6.5
45-49 Yards: 7.0
50+ Yards: 8.0
PAT: 1.0
FG =< 49 Yards: 2.0
FG => 50 Yards: 4.0
2 Point Conversion
Passing, Rushing or Receiving: 1.0
Kick and/or Punt Return
Every 20 Yards of Returns: 1.0