It’s the Law!

1. An owner may trade any of his players for draft pick(s) or a combination of player(s) and draft picks(s) during the offseason (Trade dates will be emailed). Newly acquired players become additional keepers at this time. You can only have two additional keepers that were not on your original roster at any point of time. Any trade involving teams exceeding the two additional keepers will be void. Rookie Keepers are not considered additional keepers and can be traded as long as the maximum 6 rookie keeper is not exceeded.
2. The maximum amount of non-rookies keepers that you can have after all this trading is 5. (3 players with at least 1 defensive player that must come from original previous season ending roster.) You are never allowed to exceed 5 at any time. The formula for all keepers is: 3 (2 offensive and 1 defensive)+2 traded additional keepers+6 rookie keepers for a total of 11 playing eligible keepers. 2 developmental player...see rule 27.
3. Your roster may not exceed 32 players at any time. This does not apply to off-season due to trading and rookie drafts.
4. The regular draft will be as many rounds as it takes to reach 32 players on a roster.
5. Teams may only trade into two additional regular keepers. Off season trading dates will be emailed out.
6.. The maximum amount of rookie keepers that a team can carry at any point of time is 6.
7. Drafted rookies can be kept for 3 years and do not count against your regular keeper quantity.
8. Rookies will carry the year drafted designation after their names. Ex. Russell2007. (Rookies picked in the regular draft or picked up through waivers do not carry the designation).
9. If a rookie keeper is traded (in-season or off-season), that player will keep his year designation and the new owner may use him as an additional rookie keeper as long as they do not go over 6 total rookie keepers. Off-season rookie keepers traded does not count as additional keepers that owners are allowed to trade for. If trading for the rookie pushes the receiving owner over the max amount of rookie keepers then the trade is void. The only way a rookie can lose their rookie designation is if the player is dropped (in-season or off-season) or not re-drafted in rookie draft if that player was dropped in off-season. Rookies dropped during the off-season keep their year designation and are place in the rookie draft pool. Owners may not remove rookie designation status and keep the player on their regular roster.
10. If a rookie is dropped during the regular season, that player will loose it’s year drafted designation and no longer will qualify as a rookie keeper forever.
11. As of 2020 rookie draft, teams may draft a QB in the rookie draft.
12. Pickup order is determined by Power Rankings then record and then points scored and then worst pre-trade regular 1st round draft position (i.e. 6th draft position would be awarded better pickup order position than 2nd draft position.)
13. Starting with the 2012 season the Losers Bowl will be incorporated. The bottom 4 teams enter into a playoff to see who wins the Losers Bowl. Outcome determines next season's regular draft position. The Loser Bowl playoff will be two week playoff rotisserie style. No Head to Head matchups. The team that scores the most points during the Loser Bowl will be granted the 1st overall pick in the next season regular draft. The team that scores the second most points would be granted the 2nd overall pick...etc.
Subsection 13.1.a: Roger Maris rule. The first year’s Super Bowl winner after the addition of one extra game to our regular season AND If there is a pandemic where the Super Bowl is played in January with the year ending in a 2, the winner of that Super Bowl will have a * associated with that win and name. The manager from henceforth will be addressed by his name immediately followed by a * for all future communications. Example: Roger*
14. Official scoring is from and position eligibility is from ESPN.COM. *Note: ESPN.COM position we use is the Roster section and not the Depth Chart section. Official scoring is subject to change if an easier format becomes available. Notification will be sent out. If for some reason a player carries two position ratings then he is eligible for both.
15. If a player's position is changed after pickup or draft, the player in question will maintain his original eligible position at the time of pickup or drafted. Positions will be verified at the time of draft/pickup.
16. For the drafts. 1st round draft picks have a 8 hour time limit. All other picks have a 6 hour time limit.
17. The only time that a trade committee will be formed is if strong evidence that collusion is happening. Since there is no money involved in this league we shouldn't have a problem with collusion. In an effort to keep teams from stacking players by trading all future picks, a team may only trade four of their future year picks (rookie and/or regular) at any point. This is known as the "Chuck" rule.
18. The pick tracker worksheet is designed to track the number of picks that have been trade however it is each owners duty to track their picks.
19. Top 4 teams advance to playoffs.
20. Designated home teams will win in the event of a tie during the playoffs and Super Bowl . This is known as home-field advantage. Regular season games will end as tie since we now play an odd number of games.
21. Lineup submission. All players must be submitted prior to kickoff for each individual player’s game for that week.
For Sunday DAY games, all early games players must be submitted prior to 1100 CST. For Sunday afternoon games players must be submitted by 1500 CST.
(there are no default lineups, a simple same lineup as last week email or text will surface but there has to be some sort of communication.)
22. Tie Breakers for playoffs when teams have the same record are as follows: Power Rankings, Points Scored and then then coin toss. This rule applies to all other seeding aspects to include waiver-wire pickup order.
23. Weekly starting lineups will consist of: QB, RB, RB, WR, WR, WR, TE, OF, K, DL, LB, DB, DF, DF
24. If a team wins our Super Bowl 3 out of 4 years then that team may name the next year’s Super Bowl. (Ex: Rabbits Suck Bowl…)
25. The maximum amount of future draft picks that you can trade at any point in time if 4. This is know as the Chuck rule. The BoneCrushers tried to trade their entire future draft one year to win a current season. This upset the balance of the league the next couple of seasons.
26. Negative yardage is counted as 0. Ex. A player has 46 yards rushing and -5 receiving. The total yardage is 46, not 41, for a net score of 4.5.
27. Right before the rookie draft (date will be announced), you may drop rookies off your roster for facilitating space for the upcoming rookie draft or just because a team prefer not to have a player on their roster. These players will be removed roster and placed in the rookie pool with their original rookie designation year. For example: Greg may want to drop Foster, R. (17) to make room for his upcoming rookie draft. Foster, R. (17) will go into the rookie draft pool. He can be drafted by another team during the rookie draft or developmental draft and still keep his 2017 tag. If rookies dropped are not re-drafted in the rookie draft, their designations will be lost and then be eligible during the regular draft. Once the rookie draft has started, a owner cannot drop rookies until after the rookie draft is completed. If the amount of rookies picks in combination with current rookie keepers exceeds six the tea, will loose the rookie picks.
28. Starting 2019, an owner may exchange their current year 1st round REGULAR pick for two additional current year ROOKIE picks. Rooke draft will expand to 3 & 4 rounds to accommodate any owners wanting to exchange. Draft order would follow normal rookie draft order. Max of 6 rookie keepers.
29. After each rookie draft there will be a developmental draft. Developmental draft order will be determined by a card pull. Each team can draft two rookie players. Those players drafted cannot be traded, dropped or played in the current year they were drafted. After the current year, the owner may elect to drop the developmental player, change the players status to a rookie keeper with two years of eligibility, trade him to another team or turn them into a regular keeper. The developmental player does not count against the teams current 32-man roster. If after the current year the owner trades the player to a new team, the new owner must decide if the player will be an additional keeper or rookie keeper. No other designation is allowed. If the original owner decides to drop the developmental player then that player will be placed in the in the rookie draft pool maintaining their drafted year tag. That player will then be eligibly to be drafted during either the rookie draft or developmental draft keep original draft tag.
30. Rookie Draft Pool. Players in the Rookie Draft pool are eligible to be drafted during both the Rookie Draft or Developmental draft. These players will keep their drafted year designation (tag) and follow our Rookie/Developmental keeper rules.
31. The 2020 season abolished the Team QB concept. All QBs will be eligibly to be drafted as individual players during all drafts and we will no longer be considered an entire teams QBs. To protect teams from catastrophic point loss when a QB gets injured/benched during a game then, if the backup QB has 7 or more pass attempts during a game it will be assumed that the starting QB was injured/benched and the owner with the original starting QB will get all team QB stats to include rushing/passing/receiving points for that game only. If the QB submitted does not have a pass attempt, it will be assumed that he did not start and your team will not receive any points. This means owners should stay on-top of those "Game-Time" decisions as a team would do for other players. If two separate teams start QBs from the same team then the League Commissioner will determine which QB was the starter. The team that has the actual starting QB will be covered under the injured/benched rule while the other team only getting the backup QB points.
32. Offensive players cannot get defensive points. Defensive players cannot get offensive points.
33. Trade/pickup deadline will be announced to the league by the commissioner during the season.
34. If teams trade a player(s) after week 12 of the season, then that player(s) cannot be traded back to the original owning team during the off-season trading period. Example: two teams traded Evans for Julio after week 12. These teams would not be able to trade Julio or Evans back to each other in the off-season. This rule prevents collusion.
35. After our regular season draft there will an optional Post Regular Draft Supplemental Draft (date will be posted). This will allow an owner to exchange up to two players via a serpentine draft method. The day prior to draft, owners must declare the player(s) that they intend to remove from their roster. Once the draft starts owners cannot undo their dropped players. Cards are pulled to determine draft order for those owners wishing to participate. When the draft starts, owners can draft up to two new players. The pool of players available to draft will include the recently removed players. There is a four hour max time limit (during waking hours) to make a selection. Developmental players on your roster cannot be exchanged but all other players can. Exchanged Rookie Keepers lose their year designation and new acquired players, even if they were previously rookie keepers, will not have any year designation. Owners elect to participate in one or both drafting rounds.
36. Owners are required to check their own game box scores weekly. Owners are also required to check their wins/losses record and accumulative total points scored in the Standings page. Any errors must be identified prior to the proceeding weeks first game kickoff. Once the first kickoff of the proceeding weeks first game occurs than all scores, Win/Loss record and accumulative total points will be locked. There will not be any edits allowed at this point. Note: any errors found after our Wednesday evening pickups that would change our waiver wire priority list will not be allowed. We will not undo any pickups. Owners may ask for a short extension if there is circumstances that arise that prohibit an owner from reviewing their teams data.
37. Waiver pickup day is on Wednesday at 1900 EST (submit pickup requests to commissioner prior to 1900 EST). Pickup order is determined by Power rankings (worst power rank team has number one waiver priority. Waiver pickup order will be serpentine method…no snaking order. No limits in the amount of pickups. After the Wednesday waiver process anybody can pick up additional players without going through waiver process by first come, first serve basis. If a player is dropped, signed by a team after our waiver process or has already played a game, then that player must go through our Wednesday waiver process before being picked up. A team cannot drop a player that was picked up by that team during the current week. You cannot drop a player that has already played during that current week. The first pickup date will be the first Wednesday after the first weeks games with COVID-19 exception. You may place NFL designated COVID players to your COVID IR roster with no limits. Once the is activated again then you must make a roster move and dropped player(s) follow our waiver process. After our regular draft you can move your COVID players to the COVID IR and pick up a player prior to the first week games on a first come, first serve basis. We will follow normal waiver process after the first weeks games for all pickups.
38. Post Season Playoffs COVID IR. Prior to Post Season play, any players on the Covid IR must either be dropped or removed from the Covid IR. Once Post Season playoffs begin, a team may pickup a player(s) if that team’s entire roster position is lost due to Covid. The player must be the same position. Once the player place on Covid IR is removed from the NFL Covid IR then the player picked up must be dropped. Ex. If you have two DL’s and both get Covid, you can PU a DL. If you have two DLs and one is injured and the other gets Covid, you CANNOT PU a player.